Daytona Twin Tec
Why Ride With Daytona Twin Tec Ignition?
Daytona Twin Tec LLC has a simple philosophy - do one thing and do it well.
Our product focus is electronic fuel injection and ignition systems for Harley-Davidson® motorcycles. Our chief engineer, Chris Schroeder, personally tests all products.
Our Twin Tec product line is based on the most advanced technology and does not involve compromises. We have a vision, not product managers, corporate committees, cost accountants, and endless meetings.
We manufacture our products locally in a highly automated ISO9000 facility.
Our quality system is centred on experience and common sense, not paperwork and procedures.
Shop Daytona Australia
EasyR Australia offers the most extensive range of Daytona Twin Tec exhaust systems, mufflers and other accessories at the lowest prices.
For further enquiries about Daytona tech, please chat with us online or call us on (07) 3216 2251. Our sales team will happily assist.